Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

Coastwalk/California Coastal Trail Association makes no representation or warranties as to the accuracy of
completeness of the data on this site and assumes no liability for its use; the user of this site and its
data assumes all risk of use.  Your use of the site and site content is at your own discretion, and you
will be solely responsible for any resulting loss or damage, including but not limited to any loss of
data or damage to your computer from viruses that may be downloaded to your computer in the
course of using this site.

The absence of a Coastal Trail segment at any given location does not necessarily mean that there
is not some other type of coastal public access available there. Accordingly, the absence of an
indication of a California Coastal Trail segment or accessway at any particular location and is not
intended to convey, and should not be interpreted as indicating, that Coastwalk/California Coastal Trail
Association has concluded that there is no trail at that location, that the public lacks access rights to
the area, or that safe passage through the area is not available. 

While every effort will be made to keep this information updated, the indication of a trail or
accessway is not a guarantee of public access rights or that safe or legal passage is available
through the areas indicated. In addition, the California Constitution generally guarantees the public’s
right of access to tidelands, however the State may place restrictions on the time, place, and manner
of use of tidelands. 

Neither the State of California, or Coastwalk/California Coastal Trail Association shall be liable under any
circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or effects
caused or alleged by any user or any third party on account of or arising from the use of the
California Coastal Trail Association’s website. Locations of the California Coastal Trail segments are
approximate. The data is representational and the data from which it is derived are not binding. The
information contained on this website is provided as a public resource and is not intended to be a
detailed trail guide.

The user of this data agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless, Coastwalk/California Coastal Trail
Association, and Board Members, employees, and agents, from and against all claims and
expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of the use of this data by user.