Garcia River access

Point Details

Nearest Town: Point Arena
Location: End of Miners Hole Rd. off Hwy 1, 2.5 mi. no. of Point Arena

Nearest Milepost
Mile Number:

38.94525070596, -123.72396458136 ↗

Trail Section


Access to the river and blufftops south of the river.


  • CCC Access Point
  • Hiking Trail
  • Parking
  • Path to Beach

Aerial Photo from California Coastal Records Project


  1. Nicholas Pinette on April 27, 2024 at 4:33 pm

    Hiked the trail 4/27/2024. It is seriously overgrown in many areas and needs some significant trail maintenance. Lots of stinging nettles. Wear long pants, leaves and wear gloves to avoid the discomfort. Poison oak here and there. Downed tree and branches. Standing water in several places that can’t be avoided. Did not make it to the end because it became reduced to a hands and knees crawl. Not a leisurely stroll at this time.

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