August 23: Santa Barbara County A Santa Barbara Layover Day
Today, the 23rd, was our layover day, and we scattered here and there to do this and that. All did laundry.
Some went to see “Step into Liquid”, a new surfing movie. Those who did were partially motivated by chatting two days before to Chris and Dan Malloy, two professional surfers who live off the Jalama Beach Road and who were putting up “wedding”-direction signs on Highway One as we walked by. Turns out these two are featured in this movie. Should you go and see it, they are the surfers in Ireland!
Others walked up and down State Street, or took time to visit the Botanical Gardens. (Linda spent three hours or so looking for a place to do e-mail, or to get pictures and text sent from a CD to the webmaster. Kinkos in Santa Barbara finally managed to do the job, but not without some hassle. Lindas greatest wish on this trip would be to find people with land lines along the way who would be willing to let her hook up her laptop computer to e-mail out these texts and pictures that you see on this website.) (Jon Breyfogle; photos, Linda Hanes.)
Left: Jon photographing erosion of sedimentary rock (Aug. 18). Right: Steve helps put up the Wedding sign (Aug. 21)
Above: Ginny crosses the Guadelupe River (Aug. 17).
For trail section - Santa Barbara Section 4, Santa Barbara Section 5